There is a time in every believer’s life where we must face the strongholds which are the very things that have been holding us for far too long. We as a society have become numb to the voice and presence of the Lord. It is time to buy silver and gold that we do not have. In this season, the Lord wants to confront the hidden areas in our heart but will we let Him? It is time to come back to our first love. I heard the Lord say how long will My people go to and fro unaware of Him? How long will My people strive to receive Me and My love? How long will My people live only aware of the cares of this world but never reaching the innermost parts of My heart?
We are entering into the greatest shift in our world and our nation. We can be focused on these very things or we can set our gaze on the sovereign One. There is a longing for love that Jesus wants to pour out on His people but will you let Him into the deepest and darkest places in you? It is time, brothers and sisters, to be equipped with the full armor of God. It is time for the desolation to be restored. The cost is everything but it is time to lay it all down for the One who has given us everything. During the time spent in this book, we strongly encourage you to be led by the Holy Spirit of the time and duration for reading this book. The book was created over a two year period, line upon line and precept upon precept. Each chapter is connected to one another. It is not advised to skip through the chapters but taken as a journey with the Holy Spirit to bring deliverance and healing to you. Be still and know that He is God in each part of this journey. Though it may be a great crushing, there is great freedom Jesus paid the price for at the end of it all.
From Death To Life
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