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Our Mission

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Image by Jasmin Ne

There has been a heavy burden for a generation that is seeking truth and answers. A generation that is seeking validation from the world, people, and the church. A  generation that is seeking peace and joy from all they are going through or have been through. While we all continue to seek truth and the answers to our problems, rest assured there is one God, one King, one answer and one truth and that is Jesus. The burden that has been placed on our hearts is for those that are desperate for healing may encounter Him and His love for us. That Jesus may restore us back to the original design as it was in the Garden of Eden which is complete intimacy with Jesus, unaware of our nakedness, our past, our failures and only aware of the Lord Himself. We were made to walk with Him according to His will, surrendering to the original design and not our own desires and wants. He wants to renew our minds with every truth that sets us free not bound to the carnality of the mind and sin which is the freedom to be a bondservant to the Lord.(1 Corinthians 7:21-23) He wants to revive our soul so that our will, emotions and conscience align with Jesus Christ. We are revived in that we only drink from Him and are satisfied. We are revived in that we only eat from Him our daily bread and are satisfied.


The mission of Restore, Renew, Revive is that people may encounter Christ in such a way that they would leave behind all that they have been seeking and follow Him. We pray that those would be restored by the work of the Holy Spirit and abide in the love of Christ. That we would walk again, live again and come out of the bondage that has enslaved us for so long.  We pray that those in need would receive a healing touch from the Lord. We pray that those touched by the Holy Spirit would grow and glorify God in all that they do. To be fed the food that heals which is the word of God and receive the fruits of the Spirit that a new life would be born in Christ.


Ezekiel 36:33-36

"This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On the day I cleanse you from all your sins, I will resettle your towns, and the ruins will be rebuilt.  The desolate land will be cultivated instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who pass through it. They will say, “This land that was laid waste has become like the garden of Eden; the cities that were lying in ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified and inhabited.” Then the nations around you that remain will know that I the Lord have rebuilt what was destroyed and have replanted what was desolate. I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it."


We have moved from New York to Bristol, TN/VA. We moved and left our hometown to Bristol within a month to see what the Lord wanted to show us. The state and condition of the city of Bristol has been laid waste and desolate. There is a crisis on the rise of homelessness, drug abuse, a lack of resources and finances, and a lack of jobs available in the area. Projects and rebuilding have been put on a halt and the laborers are few. Buildings are laid waste, broken down and abandoned.​


Our goal is to raise the funds to not only build back Bristol but to have the place to restore people's lives through the power of the Holy Spirit, be fed, clothed, have a place to rest and to leave different than the way they came. The Lord is looking for a spotless bride at the day of His coming and I believe He wants to establish a new Jerusalem on earth as it is in heaven that hosts the manifest presence of the Lord. In 1 Kings 8, the ark of the covenant was brought into the temple and the glory of the Lord fell. The cloud of glory was so powerful that the priests were silenced and could not minister under the heavy presence of Lord. One touch and encounter with the presence of the Holy Spirit is all we need to never be the same. We do not even need to speak or minister for the power of the Holy Spirit to open the blind eyes and the deaf ears. The blood of Jesus and the glory of God is the change and mark of this generation and nation. One encounter with Jesus Christ and drug addiction is no more, complacency is no more, and mental illness is no more. Below is a link to our go fund me with more details on the matter including pictures of the desolation. Revival starts from within us to lay down one's life for one's friend. Revival starts with the presence of the Holy Spirit in a land to restore that which is broken. Revival starts with repentance and we are expecting the later rain to fall on a people that cry out Abba Father. 


We are calling those who are willing to see change, see healing and restoration hit the land to partner with us on this matter. It is not by power, not by might but by the power of Holy Spirit. The Lord says behold I make all things new. If you have the same cry burning on the inside of you for the lost and dying world, contact us, partner with us and pray with us. It is time for the saints to rise, unite and cry out Come Lord Jesus for a nation that desperately needs Him. 



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