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About Us

We are dedicated to serving your every need here at Restore, Renew, Revive! We will work patiently with you as we set goals and work together to achieve them. Our main goal and focus for this ministry is leading you into a relationship with Jesus Christ, to be restored from death to life and from darkness into His marvelous light.

Tree Texture


You are very important to us! We are here to stand by your side, encourage you and help you along the way. We aim to build deep and meaningful relationships with you as we embark on this new journey.


Another goal here at Restore, Renew, Revive is for you to be grounded in truth that is the word of God. This is the very thing that unites us as people than that which divides us. Not only the word, but the love of Jesus is what brings people together. We are all made to have a deep-rooted need for support and community. We're here not only to teach you, but to grow with you, as we navigate life’s seasons. Let us work together and encounter the presence of the Holy Spirit.

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